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HOLY HERB, Hierba Santa

  • YERBA SANTA: Also known as "Holy Weed", Yerba Santa is traditionally used as a smoke wand for protection and setting boundaries.
  • Yerba Santa has also been used for centuries by Native Americans to support love, purification, growth, empowerment, beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra.


It is manufactured from the Eriodictyon californicum plant in the Southwest of America.


Sage has a sharp, pungent smell, described as spicy.


Not everyone experiences this smell as pleasant.


It is, therefore, more functional than a pleasant home fragrance.


Also useful: sage is used as a natural defence against insects such as moths and mosquitoes. The yerba variety gives a somewhat sweetish smell to this spicy sage.

Yerba Smoke

When the leaves are dry, they can be burned. This involves tied  leaves with a length of 10 cm.


In this way it is easy to ignite. As soon as the top of the beam is lit you can wave it with a feather and spread the sacred smoke over objects, people and in all corners of a room.


The leaves are bound together by a 100% cotton cord.


The herb got its name from Spanish monks who were impressed by its beneficial effects. It was used for ancestor worship, but also to strengthen the psychic ability and to prevent ailments such as cough on a physical level.

Yerba santa

  • How to use:
    Burn your Sage stick and let the smoke permeate and cleanse. Waft the sage smoke with the feather so that the smoke cleanses the entire room. Once done, snuff out the fire against an abalone shell, store it away in included pouch and save it for later use.

    **Please make sure that a smoke stick is COMPLETELY out before leaving the area unattended**

    Burning Instructions: Light the wand from the top end and place the burning wand on a safe surface.
    Keep out of reach of children, animals,s and flammable material.

    Setting Your Intention:
    While you are smoking your room or your jewelry, make sure that you keep a strong and focused intention in mind.

    Cleansing Your Jewelry:

    Your gemstones will work best when they are cleared and cleansed. So, cleanse and activate them often! cleanse your jewelry:
    Steadily hold your jewelry in the smoke of a burning Sage stick or Palo Santo stick until your piece becomes still.

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